Lock Garry Flood Protection District Meeting
A large crowd of 100 turned out Wednesday evening, 11th of January to the Kaarimba Hall concerned about the future operations of the Loch Garry Flood protection scheme and costs to repair the levee banks destroyed by the recent floods.
Jim Grinter was unanimously appointed to chair the meeting. Thoughts were given to those whom have lost their homes and the tragic drowning of one of the local residents.
The recent flood was similar to that of 1974. 740 meters of levee banks were destroyed in total, of which 340m are at Loch Garry, who will pay for the repairs? Will LGFPD rate payers be consulted prior to repairs?
Mackenzie Craig spoke of the GM-Water Reference Committee with nominations closing on the 20th January and the importance of it being represented by Loch Garry fee rate payers with the right qualifications to be accepted by GM-Water. The new Loch Garry Flood Protection District (LGFPD) Committee will assist.
A motion was passed to nominate a new committee of 8 members (later adjusted to 10). Jim Grinter proceeded with calling for nominations, and once received were accepted by all present. The new committee members are: Jim Grinter, Col Grinter, Mackenzie Craig, Craig Winnell, David Miles, Colin Gilby, Roland Huber, Barry Hinchcliffe, Neville Hauffe and Mick Wickham.
Congratulations to the new committee members!