Learn more about Loch Garry

Goulburn-Murray Water (GMW) is holding a drop-in session for people wanting to share their thoughts and learn more about the Loch Garry Flood regulator and the future of the Loch Garry Flood Protection service.

Loch Garry: Past, Present and Future is being held on Tuesday, 23 April as part of the Loch Garry Future Service Strategy, which is reviewing the asset and service future state of the Loch Garry flood regulator.

GMW Strategy and Service Planning general manager Steven Abbott said GMW was eager to listen and to share information about Loch Garry and its future with the community.

“The Loch Garry flood regulator is a unique piece of infrastructure, significant both historically and for the current role it plays in flood protection,” he said.

“We know there is a lot of community interest in Loch Garry and the future of the flood protection service – particularly with the floods the region has experienced in recent years – so the open day is a fantastic chance for people to come along, share their thoughts and find out more.”

The day will include information about:
• Loch Garry’s history and purpose
• How Loch Garry was designed, its operation and the procedures that are followed
• Loch Garry in the context of the environment around it
• Maps of recent flood events
• The condition of the asset and its future life expectancy

This information and conversations will help provide insight into the various factors being considered as part of GMW’s review of the regulator’s future.

“The regulator is now approaching its centenary,” Mr Abbott said.

“With an ageing asset and a changing climate, it is important we assess how we can ensure the flood protection service can adapt and be sustainable for the future.”

Loch Garry: Past, Present and Future drop-in time will occur Tuesday 23 April between1pm to 3pm at the Bunbartha Community Centre, Barmah-Shepparton Rd, Bunbartha.

People are free to arrive at anytime while the drop-in is on, no registration is required.

There will be further chances for people to engage on the Loch Garry Future Service Strategy. People can stay up to date with these opportunities on GMW’s YourSay page: https://yoursay.gmwater.com.au/loch-garry-FSS



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